I have explained this in the past on TikTok but....
Duration: 1:29
Views: 87K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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It's been months so doing an update.
I have a lifetime of pictures to show I always had a phat ????. My weight loss and surgeries just changed things a tad but it's ALL ME. 100% MY body. No implants. No fat transfers.
I'm aware that the shape and size and jiggle are this VERY unique concoction with the loose skin and fat and scar tissue. I'm an open book about all things my body has been thru to get here.
I actually have a lot of nerve damage across my lower back/upper booty area from this surgery. Things like muscle isolations and control are MUCH harder for me. I cannot feel the skin around my scars, especially on my back.
It's a very common side effect when having surgery, especially to the extent I did, to lose feeling. I have large patches of numbness that just never came back.
I'm so so thankful to be where I am today but at times, I mourn the process I have had to go thru to get here. I get upset at myself for allowing things to get out of hand and gain the weight I did and now there are parts of my own body that feel foreign to me because of what I went thru with surgeries. But I'm real. I'm human. I'm growing and learning and fighting and trying. That's all I can do is be real.
So there's the truth. Thank you for the love and support and encouragement all along the way!!!
#itsreal #plasticsafterweightloss #weightloss
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